Chapter Nets

As of 1 October 2023

Chapter Nets
ZDAY ZSUM ZWIN Chapter Location Freq Mode
MON01:0001:00Arizona Desert 10-10 Net Phoenix, AZ 28445USB
MON01:0002:00Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 28365USB
MON01:0001:00Lonestar Arlington, TX28460USB
MON01:3002:30Bauxite Benton, AR 28470USB
MON18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
TUE00:0101:00Ft McHenry/Cornerstone/Yodar Kritch Arbutus, MD 28370USB
TUE01:0002:00CO Centennial/CO Frontier Gang Lakewood, CO 28340USB
TUE01:0002:00City of LightsAurora, IL28150CW
TUE01:3002:30City of LightsAurora, IL28720USB
TUE01:3002:30Bauxite Benton, AR 28470USB
TUE03:0004:00Bay AreaHayward, CA 28475USB
TUE04:3004:30Aloha Hilo, HI 28490USB
TUE15:0016:00New Mexico Mud Ducks Albuquerque, NM28835USB
TUE18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
TUE21:0022:00ACARA 10M Rag Chew Net (Non Chapter)Athens Oh28375SSB
WED00:0000:00Possum TrotRaeford, NC28345USB
WED00:0000:01ESCA-ROSA (non chapter)Flordia28375SSB
WED01:0002:00Cincinnati Area Ten TunersCincinnati, OH28430USB
WED01:0002:00Houston SHOT Houston, TX 28488USB
WED02:0003:0010-Bar-XEl Paso, TX28445USB
WED16:0016:00Mississippi 10 Meter SocietyPelahatchie MS28410SSB
WED18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
WED19:3019:30Route-66 Boonville, IN 28370USB
THU01:0002:00GatewaySt. Louis, MO28650USB
THU01:0001:00Cow TownArlington, TX28460USB
Thu01:0002:00MilwaukeeMilwaukee, WI28365USB
THU02:3003:30Windfarms Livermore, CA 28485USB
THU02:3003:30Up The CrickEugene, OR28450USB
THU18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
THU19:3019:30SpeedwayRainer, OR28350USB
FRI00:0100:00Possum TrotRaeford, NC28345USB
FRI00:0101:00Steamboat Plus Shreveport, LA 28430USB
FRI00:0101:00Fort McHenry/Cornerstone/Yodar Kritch Arbutus, MD 28370USB
FRI18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
SAT15:1016:10Louisiana PelicanBaton Rouge, LA28450USB
SAT17:3017:30Tango Buenos Aires, LU28650USB
SAT18:0018:00Ten Ten International NetVarious Locations28380USB
SAT22:0022:00AliiLihue, HI 28730USB
SUN13:0014:00Arlington Arlington, VA29200USB
SUN14:0015:00Neanderthal/HanseEuskirchen, DL28355SSB
SUN19:3019:30North GeorgiaAtlanta, GA28415USB
SUN20:0021:00Oregon Trail Dallas, OR28330USB

This information is available in PDF format, allowing you to save it and use for reference.
Chapter Nets PDF

All changes to the above times and/or frequencies should be referred to the Chapter Coordinator if  you desire accuracy of your net.
Chuck Dockery, N7UQ, #72774
112 S Rolling Meadows Dr, 
Wylie, TX 75098-5163

There are also various 10-10 daily SSB nets (except Sunday) on 28.8 and 28.38 MHz.
Information on these nets showing day of week, and net control stations is listed
under the category, Daily Nets, on the website.