10-10 CW Awards Program

Dust off your keys and paddles and get ready for the Ten-Ten CW Award. Make a lot of CW contacts and have fun doing it. ..You have to make contacts to get results!

CW Award Manager
Lee Zalaznik KI6OY #50948
334 Olivina Ave.
Livermore, CA 94451-6137
- The initial certificate is awarded for a minimum of 25 contracts with 10-10 members. The award is available to all current paid members of 10-10 at no cost.
- All contacts must involve using only two-way CW.
- A contacted station may be counted only once.
- All stations must be contacted from the same country and all contacts must have occurred since January 1, 1997.
- All stations claimed must be "Land Stations". Contact with ships or airplanes cannot be claimed.
- Applications should be submitted on forms provided or photocopies thereof. Forms are available from the Award Manager with an SASE. Please include your E-mail address, if you have one.
- Applications for endorsement seals must be in multiples of 25 contacts.
- After 100 contacts, the endorsements are in multiples of 100.
- QSL confirmation is NOT required for the CW award.
- 10-10 Awards general rules and requirements are applicable.
Effective - January 1, 2000

updated 01-01-2023