Win1010 Support Page
Win1010 is a software utility developed by member Jim Hardy, K4HAV #17605 that supports daily logging for 1010 members. Unfortunately, Jim passed away in May 2022 and did not leave an avenue for continued support of his software suite.
This page has been created to provide some very limited support for those members using Win1010 in their daily activities.
Support files: These files have been updated by members and are current as of 03/03/2023. All files should be placed in your Win1010 folder. Make a backup of these file in the event something goes haywire with the transfer from the website. The files are archived in a ZIP file format for easy downloading
1010.txt – Callsign to 1010 number. DO NOT attempt to edit this file. (0`/01/2015)
vp.dat – file of issued VP numbers. (8/1/2024)
chapname.txt – the list of current, active Chapters (9/9/2024)
SealName.txt – list of seals associated with each chapter. (9/9/2024)
Mailing List:
A mailing list has been created on specifically for discussions about Win1010. Here are the group addresses.
Group Owner:
Membership requests will have to be approved by the Groups moderators.
The Future – Going Forward:
The future for WIn1010 is quite uncertain at this time. Without access to the source code, the program itself can not be supported. The program was originally designed using GW-Basic and upgraded to VB6, which is were the software development stood when Jim became a SK. All of the support files bundled with this program are obsolete to one extent or another. The VB6 Runtime Data Link Library (DLL) is safe, but all of the ActiveX libraries are not. Microsoft no longer provides any type of support for ActiveX and has labeled a number of them as major security risks. As such, there is a good chance that Microsoft will remove those libraries at some point in time during a Windows 10/11 update. If and when that happens, it may render Win1010 unusable.
It might be beneficial to start some preliminary discussions on some type of replacement software for the future. If you would like to be a contributor to those discussions, please register at the Win1010 Mailing list.
Development of Win1010 Version 4
Current Version: August 5, 2024
Begining on 1 October 2023, we have started development on a replacemet appliciaton for Win1010. If you are intreted in assisting in the development and testing of this softare, you can download the development applicaiton from here. If you have not joined the Win1010 group, please do that so you can discuss with other members of the development team in one forum.Once you have installed teh applicaiton, click on Help -> Readme so you can read that file before you start using the application.
This Applicaiton will not run correclty on most Windows 7 machines that have not had the Secure Socket Laryer (SSL) update. The applicaiton is not suporting operating systems prior to Windows 8.1.
Win1010 Version 4.2
As of February 2025, development of Win1010 Version 4 has been moved over to Visual Studio (VS) and this is where contineud development will occur. Click the link below to downlaod the latest veriosn,
Page Last updated February 14, 2025