Mike Davidson, N5MT
26274 Whispering Pines Ave
Denham Springs, LA 70726, USA
- The initial award is available for contact with a minimum of 25 countries.
- All stations claimed MUST be contacted from the same country and contacts MUST have occurred since January 1, 1975.
- The ARRL Countries List serves as the authority to determine country designation. Countries deleted from the ARRL listing may be claimed for endorsement only.
- All stations claimed must be "Land Stations". Contact with ships or airplanes cannot be claimed. Member stations operating portable from countries listed by ARRL may be claimed subject to normal verification.
- Applications should be submitted on forms provided or photocopies thereof. Computer printouts of your contacts are acceptable as long as they follow the format used on the original forms -- country, 10-10 number, callsign, name, and contact date. The award is available to all current paid members of 10-10 at no cost. Upgrades are SASE USA and $1.00 for DX. Please include your E-mail address, if you have one.
- Send a SASE to the Award Manager for a copy of the application forms. Forms are also available on the 10-10 DX Page.
- The country of residence of the applicant will count as one country for the award and must be claimed by the applicant.
- Applications for endorsement seals must be in multiples of 10, from 35 to 75 countries, and in multiples of 5 thereafter.
- QSL confirmation IS NOT required for the DX Countries award.
- 10-10 Awards general rules and requirements are applicable.
Effective - January 1, 2013
updated 01-01-2023